Collapsible Silicone Pet Bowl With Carabiner

Production Time: 7 Working Days
50 $3.52 each
100 $3.03 each
300 $2.65 each
500 $2.37 each
1000 $2.31 each
1500 $1.81 each
3000 $1.66 each
5000 $1.63 each
8000 $1.55 each
10000 $1.49 each
Make sure your four-legged friends have access to food or water wherever you are thanks to this portable pet bowl. It's offered in an assortment of colors and features a collapsible design and a carabiner for attaching. Add a brand name, logo or message to customize. It's a wonderful promotional item for pet stores, veterinarians, pet-related events and more! 5" Diameter

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size

Additional Information
Convenient to carry, environmentally friendly materials, easy to clean.
PrintGiant Promo
PrintGiant, LLC
600 17th Street
STE 2800
Denver, CO 80202
(888) 924-4268